Poems and stuff by Maté Jarai…
Poems and stuff by Maté Jarai…


The water looks like wax

and my eyes and ears

fill with wax

and my kitchen fills with wax

and my bed and pillows,

and I watch wax pour

in through the windows

as the waves freeze

because of the wax

and I glance up at

the giant white candles

in the sky and scream,

‘Wait! Wait!’

but they don’t hear me

and wax falls into

my mouth and down

my throat as the

candles melt and

I try to cut away

at the wax with

a screwdriver I find

but there’s too much,

and white birds are black birds

the wind mute

and full of wax

as we try to melt it

all of us together

I see the fires

popping up

in all the windows

and for a short while

it seems like

the fucking sky candles

will not be our end

but it is a very

short while

and soon we are

all overwhelmed

and we cry wax

tears because

we know this instinct

we lost long ago.

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