Bouncing on the river side lungs heaving but no asthma just general inability to cope because usually I lie in […] Poems …this telescope is broken
I woke up and my back ached and I looked at my back in the mirror and there were large […] Poems …new friend
I think, in a strange kind of way, I want a shark to bite, even eat me, sink those teeth […] Poems …eat me
‘Man, the wood feels and smells so good and especially the lemon oil, and I love how my fingers feel […] Poems …should have stayed home and played the guitar
She wanted a clean slate so she let herself get dirty. Sunlight hid her pale face and dark intensions, gave […] Poems …thirst
We know nothing so the world may as well be edged in waterfalls or made of glass and we surely […] Poems …We were once tiny things with lots of teeth and …
When Moe woke up it was sunny but he felt really sad. His eyes were itchy and he rubbed them […] Stories …fighting
Light is his game and colour is his object, abjection and absolution. Falsely it hangs whilst on other days he […] Poems …artist/artist
The girl within you has no eyes only slits filled with shadow. And as silence falls I listen, wonder whether […] Poems …the girl with no eyes
In utero and flying around away from all the sweat and heaving air of all these people, this life. Shambala […] Poems …in/out of utero
The wind tunnels through the room heavy and hot. Thoughts hazing my head, more powerful than exhaustion. No force to […] Poems …roaring
I look down from up high and they are all so small, so far away, I need to get closer. […] Stories …feel the hit
They will glide around the world and eventually all die, it’s only a matter of the eagles and what I […] Poems …eagles and I
Rain patters on the sheet iron and flows along the rusty grooves, falls in a spray onto the concrete below. […] Stories …incubus
There are over around 440 known species of shark. The full list is coming soon, but for now, here are […] Non-Fiction/Cool Stuff …sharks: beauty rankings
Below are some colourful things with whimsical names that I made and enjoyed making and looking at, so I hope […] Art …playing with computers